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Larkin Valley Ranch
All-Natural Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished Beef and Lamb
Redmond, Oregon

intro grass-fed beef redmond, oregon photo
"Ranching is a Lifestyle"
Larkin Valley Ranch grass fed beef logo

Let us save you time!!

Home Delivery - FREE with $75.00 minimum order

February 2025

  • 5th

  • 12th

  • 19th

  • 26th 

Deliveries are every Wednesday

between 11am and 4pm


Shop in person at

our NEW Ranch Market!!

The Ranch Market @ 

the Old Reindeer Ranch 

Open Thursday, Friday 10 to 6

Saturday 10-3 

695 SW Helmholtz Way Redmond OR


Meet Jeff and Julie Larkin from Larkin Valley Ranch
Grass-Fed Beef Ranch in Redmond, Oregon

jeff and julie larkin grass fed beef

Larkin Valley Ranch - Grass-Fed Beef in Oregon

Since1946... started by Jeff's Grandfather, Frank and Dad, Dean Larkin.

Each morning, Jeff Larkin wakes early to the sounds of Grass-Fed Beef at Larkin Valley Ranch, which sits discretely amid a high-desert valley on the outskirts of Redmond, Oregon. As the sun pours onto grassy meadows, cattle and sheep graze about the land. Always hands on, Jeff gets out early, checking the livestock, tending to his hay crops, and monitoring irrigation. Also on schedule: local grass-fed beef and lamb deliveries or, when in season, prepping for an upcoming farmer’s market. 

Grass Fed Beef Grass Finished Beef Redmond, Oregon Local Beef
grass fed lamb and beef oregon

Grass-Fed Beef and Lamb We Offer

Grass Fed Beef

Grass Finished

All Natural

Larkin Valley Ranch is proud to serve customers throughout Central Oregon. All-Natural Grass Fed and Grass Finished Angus / Angus Cross Beef and Dorset / Romney Lamb available.

No Antibiotics, Steroids, or Growth Hormones used in the raising of our animals.


 You may purchase quarter halves and wholes, plus individual packages year-round.

Contact us for pricing information and finishing options.

that include Grain Finished if desired.

Larkin Valley Ranch--noborder_edited.png

Jeff Larkin 541-480-5606

Julie Larkin 541-420-0879

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Grass-Fed Grass-Finished Beef, Grass-Fed Grass-Finished Lamb and Farm Fresh Eggs

In the Central Oregon area.

© 2024 Larkin Valley Ranch | Redmond, Oregon.

Website Design - Mooney Marketing

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